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REAL signs letter calling for a ban on oxo degradable plastics

Posted: 30 October, 2020. Written by Georgia

Renewable Energy Assurance Limited (REAL) was one of 44 signatories to a letter calling on the Government for a ban on oxo degradable plastics.

The letter refers to the enactment of a British Standards Institution (BSI) Publicly Available Specification (PAS 9017 ‘Plastics – Biodegradation of polyolefins in an open-air terrestrial environment – Specification’). It reads "These plastics bear remarkable similarities to oxo-degradable plastics which will be banned across the EU from next year" and "The UK voted for the EU ban when it was proposed in 2019. Failing to act now could turn Britain from a leader into a laggard in fighting the plastic crisis."

Among the 44 signatories were leading UK retailers: Tesco, Co-op, Waitrose, and ALDI. The letter was published in several online news platforms and daily newspapers.

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